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Give Them What They Are Looking For

James Osmar

London, Ontario

The second step or page in this three step sequence is designed to keep them engaged in the process of giving them what they want. The second step is equally as non-intimidating as the first step. Here again displaying fields requiring non personal information keeping it to the price and style property that they are looking for.

By acquiring all of the information that we have gathered in the first two steps, you're also able to understand what it is that the individual is looking for and will being a better position when we follow up on this lead by email, phone in the sending them of listings that match the price area style. We are also going to be in a position to be able to have a much more intelligent conversation with this new lead.

What having a prospect complete the first two steps of nonpersonal information Studies suggest that this approach is successful mainly because the visitor now hasn't invested amount of time in the process, increasing the likelihood that they're going to moveOn to step three.

You're careful to make sure that the fields are required to be filled out so the visitor cannot just bounce ahead step three and see what's next. We also have learn from our experience that telling the visitor that they are on step one or two of the three-step process that we get an increased likelihood of our targeted visitors completing the process.

Another technical strategy that we have implemented into the Gold Rush fleet page is to add the MLS® button so that's the person that is seeking to look at real estate understands that they're going to be able to see pretty much whatever is available to be viewed.

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